Using marijuana to boost your creativity

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The consumption of marijuana and creativity, share a close link that this time we intend to reveal, and is that, despite being an illegal product in many nations, the truth is that this has never been enough to prevent many people from having access not only to the pleasant sensations generated by their consumption, but also to that particular inspiration that stimulates and is so exploited by art lovers.

The sweet aromas of cannabis have been used to consolidate music stars, as well as common people from other fields such as literature, painting and sculpture, as a result of all this, the scientific community has carried out studies on the subject with the aim of revealing the enigma.

Marijuana as a source of inspiration

It has been shown that marijuana increases the activity of the frontal lobe, which is responsible for the creative capacity, divergent thinking and the search for different alternatives, however, it should not be believed that marijuana alone makes an individual the most creative overnight, this person must always have these inclinations and cannabis simply take care of boosting them or, in other words, let them flow more freely.

Consuming this hallucinogen stimulates the creation of connections between ideas and the relationship of concepts that would otherwise cost great difficulty, in the same way, sound changes are perceived more intensely and the individual usually feels the music with great intensity. However, too high and too frequent doses alter the attention and lead to the waste of these great ideas due to the dispersion that is achieved.

Which terpene is for creativity?

Many in the cannabis industry feel that the best terpenes for promoting creativity through the entourage effect are eucalyptol, d-limonene, tb-ocimene, a-bisabolol and b-myrcene.


If the name doesn’t give it away, the eucalyptus plant is the dominant producer of eucalyptol. A terpene with many study-backed medicinal qualities, eucalyptol has also been shown to increase blood flow throughout the brain and stimulate functionality of the frontal cortex. Although creativity is viewed as a whole-brain process, neurological studies investigating brain activity of individuals performing creative tasks indicate higher levels of frontal cortex activity. The frontal cortex is the main part of the brain associated with cognitive flexibility, abstract thought, and working memory.


Commonly associated with citrus fruits like lemons and known for its anxiolytic and therapeutic properties, d-limonene may also boost creative thinking by making you feel relaxed and less susceptible to inhibitory thoughts. Perhaps the biggest obstacle faced when immersing yourself in a highly creative state is the fear that what you create will disappoint you and others. This kind of self-deprecating mindset can stop many of us from even writing that first sentence or making that first stroke on a blank canvas. The best weed strains for creativity like d-limonene and eucalyptol interact with other terpenes and cannabinoids to give you a sense of calm and lower inhibitions. An essential when exploring your limitless imagination.


If you’ve ever had mango juice, you’ve already had some experience with this terpene. Neurological imaging scans of individuals using cannabis enhanced with terpenes found that b-myrcene plays a leading role in synergizing terpenes and cannabinoids to produce the entourage effect. In fact, some studies suggest that b-myrcene may increase cell membrane permeability thus accelerating the transport of CBD and THC over the blood-brain barrier and into the brain.

Relying on marijuana to boost creativity

Due to the influence that its consumption exerts on the perception of reality, this psychoactive alters the creative process of artists because their mental processes begin to take place in a more open way, the point is that this tendency must already be present and internalized in order to really achieve works with exceptional characteristics.

Marijuana varieties such as royal Jack and sour diesel, tend to relax the mind enough to be seized by positive feelings that lead to disinhibition and the consolidation of much more original ideas. Famous for its recreational use, the truth is that this plant can also provide a cognitive improvement that, after increasing dopamine levels, helps to see things from a different and less limited point, which is conducive to creative thinking.